The Obsession Continues… Candy Corn Sugar Cookies

Candy Corn Dreams

Lately, I’ve felt like I’ve been trapped in my own private horror film, something along the lines of Children of the Candy Corn. While I am rather meh on eating them, the sugary little treats that epitomize fall have clearly infiltrated my brain this month. Over the last three weeks, I have painted a candy corn pumpkin and made candy corn krispie treats, and yet still my dreams have been flooded with the colors yellow, orange and white. So last week, in an effort to satisfy the demons, I made some adorable candy corn sugar cookies.

I couldn’t help it! I swear. I had to make them.

On the bright side, they really are adorable. I mean, really. Look at them.

Just don’t look at the wonky one in the back…I have no idea what happened there.

These cookies are the perfect treats to make when Halloween is around the corner. To counteract all the usual chocolate decadence, they are delicate and lemon-y. And, as a bonus, they are small enough that you can eat a couple without guilt.

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Rice Krispie Candy Corns…and my inability to resist Pinterest

What can I say? I am a slave to my desire to make adorable, autumn-inspired things. In the past few weeks I’ve painted a pumpkin to look like a candy corn and hand-crafted my own Halloween door hanger…and there’s no end in sight! I can’t help it, it’s a sickness.

My inspiration this month has clearly been brought by the colors yellow, orange and white!

So when I spotted these cute Rice Krispie treats, dyed and shaped to look like candy corn, I knew that I would have to make them sometime soon. And that sometime turned out to be last Sunday.

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DIY: Spooking Up the Neighborhood

I have been on a crafting kick lately. It must be the nip in the air — finally it doesn’t seem wasteful to be inside!

So even though I’m sure it would have been just as cheap cheaper to have bought a cute Halloween door hanger from Target, I decided to make my own. I was inspired by this blog post, discovered through Pinterest (full tutorial at the link). It seemed like an easy enough craft and it was! I started last Monday and it was done by Tuesday — the hardest part is waiting for the coats of Modpodge to dry.

I hit up Joann’s and bought the wooden letters, some cute scrapbook paper, a bottle of Modpodge and a few fun stickers. Then it was on to the crafting!

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Candy Corn in the Wild


My husband brought me home a pumpkin last weekend. It’s too early in the season for carving (even though I really wanted to roast some seeds!), so I decided to paint it instead. Taken straight from Pinterest, I present to you my crafty results.

I pretty much love it! It was super easy and it looks great in the front yard with my succulents keeping it company.